Week-10 @ 100xdevs cohort : Introduction to SQL database, PostgreSQL and Prisma ORM
This week, we shifted our focus back on databases, delving into different database types and revisiting the use cases of NoSQL and SQL databases. Our primary emphasis was on SQL databases, where we discussed the importance of strict schemas inbuilt in a database. We explored PostgreSQL and its advantages over MySQL, and even performed CRUD operations using the 'psql' library.
Moreover, we were introduced to Prisma – an ORM (Object-Relational Mapper). Utilizing Prisma, we crafted strict data models and leveraged its auto-generated client to execute CRUD operations. One of the most fascinating aspects was witnessing how effortlessly Prisma handles schema changes as our application grows in complexity, thanks to migrations. We delved into how migrations maintain a history of our database's evolution over time. Additionally, we experienced the type-safety and auto-completion features Prisma offers, enhancing our workflow with databases.