Week-13 @ 100xdevs cohort : BLOG app using react TS frontend and hono backend hosted on cloudflare workers

Week-13 @ 100xdevs cohort : BLOG app using react TS frontend and hono backend hosted on cloudflare workers

This week, we developed a blog application with React and TypeScript for the frontend, employing Hono for the backend HTTP server. Our backend was deployed on Cloudflare Workers, utilizing PostgreSQL as the database and Prisma as the ORM. Throughout the project, we relied on Zod for input validation and type inference, maintaining types with an independent npm module.

Given Cloudflare Workers' nature as edge functions, necessitating connection pooling, we employed Prisma Accelerate. User authentication was managed via JWTs. Developing a full-fledged HTTP server with Hono introduced us to new patterns for creating middlewares and routes, which differed slightly from Express.

See it in action here: https://project-blogapp.aviralvardiya.com