Done with an eventful Week 4 in 100xdevs cohort seamlessly transitioning from frontend essentials to the wonders of React.
4.1: Frontend Foundations
Here we navigated through the intricacies of frontend development. Covering ECMA Script basics, DOM manipulation, backend interaction, debouncing and throttling. We explored auxiliary APIs like http,fs in Node.js, setTimeout, setInterval, fetch, document in web APIs which set the stage for practical web application development. Mastering DOM manipulation allowed dynamic interaction with webpage content. Practicing communicating with backend servers and handling responses enriched our skill set.
4.2: Embarking on React's Journey
Here we unfolded the magic of React and reconcilers. We addressed challenges in web development using vanilla JavaScript while constructing a Todo application, witnessing React's declarative and component-based approach. Unveiling the struggles of raw DOM manipulation, we explored how React simplifies UI development. We delved into state management using the hook useState() enabling us to represent our UI as JS objects.